Segregation at Source
In efforts to build a ZERO WASTE planet, Waste Segregation at Source plays a vital role.
Waste generated at homes forms the major contributor to Landfills as it is a mixture of different components that are recyclable, non-recyclable, and hazardous.
WASTE CONNECT introduces a user-friendly solution to segregate waste at home. We provide a 6-bin-pack for every category of waste generated at home as shown below

Wet Bin 1
A compostable bag inserted in a plastic bin to be placed in kitchen for all vegetable, fruit and food waste. This bag is collected daily

Wet Bin 2
A 2-compartment plastic bin to be placed in washrooms with one compartment inserted with compostable bag for sanitary waste, collected daily. The second compartment is for the dry waste, eg sachets, bottles, plastic containers, etc. Collected monthly

Dry Bin 3
A recycled plastic bin including single use plastics and pet, ldpe, hdpe, mlp, tetrapacks, etc. Collected Monthly

Dry Bin 4
A 2-compartment cardboard box to be placed in the study, one compartment for paper and cardboard waste, second compartment for electronic waste. Paper waste is collected monthly, E-waste collected half-yearly

Dry Bin 5
A wpc box with lid which can be used as a stool is placed anywhere in the house for all types of glass, metal and miscellaneous waste, like stationery, fashion jewelery & accessories. Etc Collected monthly

Dry Bin 6
An upcycled cloth bag for fabric and cloth waste is placed in the lowest shelf of wardrobe. Collected half yearly.
As mentioned above, we schedule a monthly/half yearly pick-up for the dry waste categories.
Delivery to Recyclers
The collection and transportation of segregated waste to recyclers form the backbone of an effective waste management system.
WASTE CONNECT uses separate closed E-Vehicles to collect each category of waste in fixed schedules locality-wise. The collected waste is delivered to the respective recyclers.

We are associated with MANIRAJ ELECTROMOBILES for providing us E-vehicles.

WASTE CONNECT has formed strategic alliances with the following companies to efficiently deliver the collected segregated waste materials.